Saturday, December 7, 2013

Dora Cakes

P2's favorite Dora Cakes!!!

I had prepared them some while back and forgot to save the went through the entire effort of searching for the recipe online again :(

This time, I am actually taking out the time from my very very hectic schedule (being a mom of 3 leaves you soooooo short of time!) to save this precious recipe for my lil angels :)

The link for the recipe -

The below recipe calls for cake flour, but I didn't have any, so used regular flour. And for the filling between the Dora Cakes, I simply used chocolate butter cream.

The recipe below and the pics below are taken from the above website directly....

Dorayaki Batter

4 Medium eggs
60   g    Sugar
60   g    Honey
 3    g    Baking soda, dissolved in 1 tbsp water
240 g    Cake flour, sifted
40   g    Corn/Sunflower oil
30   g    Milk

Sugar syrup
50 g   Sugar    
50 ml  Water

Bring sugar and water to boil in a pan then set aside for it to cool.

To make the pancake batter: 
1. Beat eggs with an electric whisk till foamy.
2. Add in sugar and whisk till soft and light.
3. Add honey and mix well before adding in the baking soda mixture.
4. Fold in cake flour gently before combining oil into the mixture.
5. Wrap the bowl of batter with a cling film and let it rest in the fridge for 30 minutes. 

6. After 30 minutes, remove the batter from the fridge and add milk into the batter and stir incorporate the milk gently with a whisk. The batter will be slightly runny but not watery.

Dorayaki Batter
The batter: Before and after adding milk.

7. Heat a non-stick frying pan on high. The reduce the heat to low (Level 2) and add some cooking oil and swirl it round. Wipe off excess oil with a kitchen towel.
8. Gently drop 1 tbsp of batter into the frying pan at 2cm height. The batter will form into a nice round disc on its own and it should expand to approx. 6 - 8 cm in diameter.
9. If you have quite a large frying pan, you can fry a few pancakes at once to save time. 

Dorayaki at different stages

10.  Allow the pancakes to bubble before flipping over to the other side. This process will take approx. 4 mins and 30 secs. (I timed it with the stopwatch function in my phone!). 
11. Let the pancakes cook for further 30 seconds once the pancake has been flipped over. 
12. Transfer pancakes onto a plate and brush it with sugar syrup mixture to keep the pancake moist. 
13. Leave aside for the pancakes to cool down. Repeat the process above until the batter is all used up. You might also want to cover the pancakes with a damp cloth to seal the moisture in the pancakes. 
Happy eating :)